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Looking for the Perfect Beat 2015-38 - RADIO SHOW by DJ Irvin Cee

Looking for the Perfect Beat 2015-38 by Irvin Cee

Release date: 2015/09/18

Looking for the Perfect Beat is Irvin Cee's weekly radio show with the best and newest club music on the globe since 2014.

A various mix of Deep House, House, Tech House, Techno, and Hard Techno is beat mixed in such a slick way it will take you to new heights of musical experience and you feel trapped to dance until the very end of the show.

The show is first mixed and recorded with music only. The hosting is added in a later stage, you can find the finished show on several mixtape hosting sites.

The full length and non-hosted versions are available on select platforms in video and audio format.

These are some of those platforms:




Time +/- : Num. - Title - Release [Label] (*time is +/- mix in time)

00:00:00 - The Power (Stefano Noferini Re-Edit) - Luca M, JUST2 - Deeperfect Records [Tech House]

00:01:58 - Feel It (Original Mix) - D.Ramirez - Great Stuff Recordings [Tech House]

00:08:17 - Jack To Jack (Original Mix) - Prok & Fitch - Toolroom [Tech House]

00:12:33 - Adagio For Square (Club Mix) - Worakls - FFRR [Deep House]

00:18:25 - Fall (Oxia Remix) - Kidnap Kid - FFRR [Deep House]

00:25:24 - Dibiza (Joseph Capriati Remix) - Danny Tenaglia - Stereo Productions [Techno]

00:30:04 - I Can't Wait (Original Mix) - Adrian Hour - Suara [Techno]

00:35:17 - 00005 (Original Mix) - Adrian Hour - Suara [Techno]

00:38:13 - Avalancha (Original Mix) - Adrian Hour - Suara [Techno]

00:43:17 - Deathstalker (Original Mix) - I'GOR - Yin Yang [Hard Techno]

00:47:28 - Gonna Do (Original Mix) - David Temessi - DSR Digital [Hard Techno]

00:51:24 - C-3po2 (Dig-It Remix) - Cristian Glitch - Krank Records [Hard Techno]

00:54:09 - Wired (Original Mix) - Darmec - Naughty Pills Records [Hard Techno]

00:56:18 - Who Goes There (A-Brothers Remix) - Ortin Cam, Charles Bells - Dolma Records [Hard Techno]

00:59:24 - Fuel Injection (Alex Di Stefano Evil Remix) - Bagagee Viphex13 - NoiseTilt Records [Hard Techno]

01:02:39 - Smoke & Mirrors (Jerome Sydenham's Looking Glass Dub 2013) - Ben Sims - Drumcode [Hard Techno]

01:07:21 - Modular (Vegim Repaint) - Twist3d - Take More Music Records [Hard Techno]

01:09:17 - Day Be South (Hardom Remix) - M.I.D.I. - Dolma Records [Hard Techno]

01:12:05 - Tidal Wave (Original Mix) - Marika Rossa - Fresh Cut [Hard Techno]

01:14:12 - Omen (Original Mix) - The Advent; Jason Fernandes - Skyline Type Grooves [Hard Techno]

01:16:27 - Scared (Original Mix) - Sebastian Groth - ReWashed LDT [Hard Techno]

01:20:03 - Mindgame (Kevin Call Remix) - A.Paul - Naked Lunch [Hard Techno]

01:22:52 - Nachtschatten (Matt Mus Remix) - Kai Pattenberg, Matt Mus - Hardwandler Records [Hard Techno]

01:26:42 - Hospital (Lukas Freudenberger Remix) - Sebastian Groth - ReWashed LDT [Hard Techno]

01:30:09 - Impulse (Original Mix) - Dario Sorano - Elektrax Recordings [Hard Techno]

01:34:10 - Gothika (Original Mix) - Mono Voice - RavenCroft [Hard Techno]

01:36:35 - Bum Fight (Original Mix) - Joseph Dalik - Techno Legends Records [Hard Techno]

Irvin Cee is available for International bookings at Clubs, Festivals en Quality bars.

More info?

About the Author

Irvin Cee

Irvin Cee

I'm a music lover, not a fighter. nah, that's not true. I would fight for some fresh new music. I'm available for both International and domestic bookings at Clubs, Festivals en Quality bars or events. More info? Use the contact form.


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